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Regulatory & Government

Claims manager banned over $1.2 million fraud

15 July 2013

The former national claims manager of a Melbourne underwriting agency has been permanently banned from providing financial services after he was found to have fraudulently obtained more than $1.2 million…

Bowmaker banned from broking

08 July 2013

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has permanently banned Sydney broker Leroy Bowmaker from providing financial services…

ASIC intervention guidelines welcomed

08 July 2013

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has published guidance on how and when it will decide to intervene in private court cases…

Bowen takes on financial services role

01 July 2013

Federal Treasurer Chris Bowen has taken over the financial services and superannuation portfolio in Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s new leadership team…

APRA consults on reinsurance arrangements

01 July 2013

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has launched a consultation on insurers’ reinsurance counterparties, as it seeks “a complete picture” of how reinsurer downgrade or failure would affect groups…

Bill widens scope for electronic communication

24 June 2013

Insurers will find it easier to communicate electronically with clients after the Senate last week passed the Insurance Contracts Amendment Bill, which gives greater certainty about information that can be sent…