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Regulatory & Government

ICA questions privacy law guidelines

30 September 2013

The Insurance Council of Australia has raised concerns about the Australian Privacy Principles draft guidelines, which will be central to new privacy laws due next March…

WA workers’ comp claims hold steady

30 September 2013

The workers’ compensation environment in WA remained healthy and sustainable last financial year, according to WorkCover WA’s annual report…

Hockey assumes insurance role

23 September 2013

New Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey will take responsibility for financial services and insurance in the Coalition Government…

General insurers fear cost of elevating CROs

23 September 2013

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s proposal for chief risk officers to be independent of other roles is proving unpopular with general insurers…

ACC consults on rate decreases

23 September 2013

New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation has proposed lower levy rates and the introduction of risk rating for cars…

Victorian workers’ comp scheme returns to profit

23 September 2013

WorkSafe Victoria has recorded a $1.08 billion profit for the year to June 30, recovering from a $676 million loss the previous year via increased investment income and changes to the calculation of claims liability…

ASIC unveils stakeholder survey results

16 September 2013

Most stakeholders hold positive views of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, but key limitations are also identified in the regulator’s annual survey…

APRA publishes data management guide

09 September 2013

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has issued guidelines on data risk management for general insurers, and warned them to “think long and hard” before outsourcing data management…

Catlin underwriter outlines perils of D&O

09 September 2013

Company directors face “a myriad of different rules in different states” regarding directors’ and officers’ insurance, according to Catlin Australia Senior Underwriter for Financial and Professional…

Insurers act on pet cover disclosure

09 September 2013

Pet insurers have improved product disclosure after a series of complaints from consumers, according to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…

Car financiers to refund $15 million after ASIC crackdown

02 September 2013

More than 30,000 car owners will receive more than $15 million in refunds after an investigation uncovered improper financing of tyre and rim insurance premiums by some of Australia’s largest car financiers…