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Assessing for the future

05 March 2002

Brokers are coming to terms with the fact that the FSRA will be introduced next week…

June renewals will see more big rises

26 February 2002

The impact of September 11 will become evident in the next June renewal season with further steep climbs in premiums now predicted…

HIH inquiry still probing FAI deals

26 February 2002

Suncorp Metway General Insurance Group GM Daniel Wilkie is scheduled to be a high-profile witness at the HIH Royal Commission in the next week as it probes the thinking behind FAI’s…

Is APRA bullying small insurers?

26 February 2002

Plenty of small insurers were predicting last May that APRA would come after them with a big stick after the collapse of HIH and controversy over prudential margins…

Underinsurance: a smouldering problem

26 February 2002

Around 10% of the 121 homes destroyed in the NSW bushfires were uninsured and almost half had no contents insurance at all, according to statistics…

Hard market only for some

19 February 2002

The rules for brokers are changing to accommodate new market realities, according to leading underwriting agent Roy Ellis…

Not a donation, more a subscription

19 February 2002

Relax: the Insurance Council isn’t handing out money to political parties, and especially to the Democrats, thank you…

HIH – others used the reinsurance ploy

19 February 2002

If HIH and FAI found it easy enough to turn their losses into book profits via the arcane wonders of reinsurance, has anyone else tried the same arrangements..?

Liability tossed back to the states

19 February 2002

The Federal Government has decided that the critical issue relating to public liability is one for the states to deal with, and the Constitution prevents it getting involved anyway…

The Queensland solution: bulk-buying insurance

19 February 2002

Many small groups hit hard by the public liability issue are being encouraged to adopt a solution being investigated by major airlines in the US and Europe – pooling the risk…

NSW workers’ comp is changing

19 February 2002

New laws that began on January 1 are changing the way worker’s compensation is facilitated in New South Wales…

Car theft council up for review

12 February 2002

The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council must present an independent evaluation of its operations to state crime prevention ministers and the Insurance Council by the end…