30 May 2022
A diverse range of natural disasters last year widened Australia’s protection gap and highlighted areas of underinsurance, while climate change is stepping up the importance of mitigation globally, Aon says...
30 May 2022
The Insurance Council of Australia will host in-person forums across Queensland next month for insurance customers affected by the February and March floods...
30 May 2022
A four-year research project investigating solutions to strengthen precast concrete hollow-core floors prone to earthquake damage will publish its findings to assist developers...
23 May 2022
Insurers and brokers have responded to the outcome of Saturday’s federal election, saying they are ready to work with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on the many pressing challenges facing the country, including disaster resilience and cyber threats...
23 May 2022
A surge in mould outbreaks caused by conducive weather conditions in south-east Queensland is causing chaos for homeowners and could complicate insurance claims in the flood-hit area...
23 May 2022
Australia has the highest rate of tech managers reporting their organisation is unprepared to cope with a targeted cyberattack, a survey has found...
23 May 2022
Driving into flood water may be considered a reckless act by insurance providers, and claims for flood water damage may be refused in some instances, Eric Insurance says...
23 May 2022
Queensland and NSW flooding has highlighted the need for action to prevent damage from future catastrophes, Floodplain Management Australia President Ian Dinham says...
16 May 2022
Queensland storms over the past week have led to a further influx of claims as the industry deals with impacts from this year’s record-breaking flooding...
16 May 2022
The Australian Amusement, Leisure and Recreation Association has pledged to push on with its proposed discretionary mutual fund to address the insurance crisis facing its members, despite a Federal Government decision not to back it...
16 May 2022
Climate change and class actions if left unchecked could be a major contributor to rising insurance costs and are key issues on the Australian risk radar, along with the pace of regulatory change, a Global Insurance Law Connect report says...
16 May 2022
Catastrophe data company Perils has slightly reduced its loss estimate for southern Australia severe storms that lashed three states with hail, heavy rainfall and wild winds...
16 May 2022
Transport and logistics specialist insurer National Transport Insurance is creating a new training program to improve road safety in the dairy industry...
16 May 2022
Torrential rain, thunderstorms and flash flooding across Auckland and much of New Zealand’s North Island in March has led to 7647 claims so far worth an estimated $NZ79.61 million, Insurance Council of New Zealand says...
09 May 2022
The Climate Council has released a report projecting more than half a million homes may not have insurance protection by the end of this decade, the result of political inaction on fossil fuels usage...
09 May 2022
The consequences of flooding and not just the probability needs to be taken into account as climate change and expanding urban populations bring increasing risks, a report released by the Insurance Council of Australia says...
09 May 2022
A Risk Frontiers research trip to northern NSW flood-hit regions has found that “without exception” residents in all areas visited expressed alarm at the speed with which water levels rose and surprise at the ultimate height they reached...
09 May 2022
The Insurance Council of Australia has scheduled six in-person forums in northern NSW to assist policyholders hit by the recent flooding...
09 May 2022
The number of Australian-region tropical cyclones in the season just finished was below the long-term average, the Bureau of Meteorology says...
09 May 2022
New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission has awarded an annual prize to a revolutionary sliding hinge joint innovation that advances lower damage, affordable seismic engineering...