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ICA warns communities to prepare for La Nina

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has issued warnings for residents across eastern Australia for forecasted wet weather events throughout spring and early summer, as the onset of a third La Nina event begins.

ICA says at-risk property owners should begin preparatory steps to ensure their homes are well protected against floods in the coming months.

It recommends that homeowners check their building, contents and landlord insurance policies to ensure they have appropriate coverage for floods and storms and access to temporary accommodation for people and pets.

Further recommendations suggest residents prepare an inventory for home contents for future insurance claims, carry out property inspections of gutters and downpipes to reduce the risk of water-related damage, and integrity tests of property to withstand heavy rainfall.

The council provides stark reminders of the severe damage caused by La Nina-generated floods on the east coast of Australia throughout 2021 and 2022 that left more than 296,000 claims lodged, amounting to more than $5.92 billion.

“The last couple of years have shown the impact that heavy rains can have on property, livelihoods, and our own well-being,” ICA CEO Andrew Hall said.

“We can’t control the weather, but there are practical steps we can all take to reduce the risk that storm and flood can bring or make recovery from those events easier.”