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Floods 'severity' adds to rate pressure: S&P

27 June 2022

Australian gross written premium is expected to grow 7.5% this calendar year, reflecting the impact of the NSW/Queensland floods, past catastrophes and claims inflation facing the industry, according to S&P Global Ratings...

In Insurance News magazine this month

27 June 2022

The June/July issue of Insurance News magazine is out now, featuring must-read articles and interviews on some of our industry’s most important issues...

Landlords, brokers warned to be clear on meth cover

27 June 2022

New Zealand’s Financial Services Complaints Limited advises landlords and insurance brokers to ensure that policies cover all risks appropriately, as complaints about methamphetamine damage rise...

Almost $1 billion paid to flood claimants so far

06 June 2022

The Insurance Council of Australia says almost $1 billion has been paid to policyholders so far after Queensland and NSW were hit by Australia’s most costly flood event ever earlier this year...

Expert urges transformation of flood defence systems

06 June 2022

A revitalisation of Australia's flood protection systems is required to reduce the impact of increasingly common severe floods, says University of NSW Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Ashish Sharma...

Work to be done on hydrogen risk: HDI Global

06 June 2022

Hydrogen offers significant potential to become a cornerstone of greener energy supply, but work is needed on assessing risks and ensuring suitable insurance for production, transport and storage, HDI Global says...

Record dry levels increase fire danger in NT

06 June 2022

The Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council says dry conditions in northern parts of Australia will increase bushfire threat in the region in the coming months...

Floods sink industry earnings in March quarter

30 May 2022

The industry lost $428 million in the March quarter as earnings took a hit from the NSW/Queensland floods, after a $100 million net profit in the previous quarter, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority says...

Industry premium rises 11.2%: Allianz report

30 May 2022

The Australian general insurance industry performed strongly last year, achieving an 11.2% surge in property and casualty (P&C) premiums to €32.1 billion from 2020, Allianz says in a new report...