15 August 2022
Commercial property insurance was among the top five products that small businesses complained about last financial year, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority says...
15 August 2022
Rainfall is set to arrive earlier than normal in parts of far northern Australia this year, partly reflecting the influence of the negative Indian Ocean Dipole...
15 August 2022
IAG says more government support is needed to help small regional enterprises that face the vulnerability of being underinsured or having no insurance at all...
15 August 2022
US-based mutual insurer, FM Global, has announced it will allocate nearly $US300 million to provide clients – including those in Australia and New Zealand – with “resilience credits” to incentivise increased investment in climate resilience solutions...
15 August 2022
Natural Hazards Research Australia has asked for first-hand accounts from NSW and Queensland flood-affected residents for its new research project as it devises policy recommendations to improve preparation and responses for future flood events...
08 August 2022
The High Court of Australia will consider oral arguments on the business interruption test case appeal applications, but has indicated a hearing won’t be listed before October at the earliest...
08 August 2022
Australian directors’ and officers’ rates are expected to continue easing in the months ahead after contracting 5% in the second quarter of this year, the first decline since 2017, Marsh says, following the release of its latest quarterly update of commercial insurance premium pricing...
08 August 2022
A new GlobalData report warns Australian home insurers of increased profitability risks as the advent of climate change-led weather-related claims compounds increasing insurance costs...
08 August 2022
Covid has caused more deaths in Australia than cardiovascular disease and lung cancer so far this year, to be overtaken only by ischaemic heart diseases and dementia, the Actuaries Institute says...
08 August 2022
New Zealand’s Toka Tū Ake EQC says demand for land damage cover provided by the organisation is likely to increase with climate change but many residents are unclear about the insurance arrangements...
08 August 2022
The Insurance Council of Australia says it will hold an in-person meeting on August 17 in Montrose, Victoria, for policyholders affected by last year’s storm event in July, which has led to claims costs of $310.4 million to date...
01 August 2022
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation has released a new report highlighting seven megatrends that will impact Australia over the next two decades...
01 August 2022
Underwriting agencies have stepped up to defend the insurance industry, following media reports that home and contents policies are being cancelled or claims denied due to a lack of disclosure around business activity at insured addresses...
01 August 2022
February-March floods that hit Queensland and NSW produced 230,000 claims, of which 36% are now finalised with $2 billion paid out...
01 August 2022
Class action exposures for corporate directors could be on the cusp of exponential growth given the current dynamic environment, Marsh Head of FINPRO, Claims Solutions Melody Carr says...
01 August 2022
Australia’s top causes of business interruption insured losses are fire/explosion and professional indemnity-related claims, such as negligence and misadvice stemming from corporate actions...
01 August 2022
The General Insurance Code Governance Committee is expected to look into claims handling as part of its work this financial year...
01 August 2022
The Insurance Council of New Zealand says extreme weather claims cost the industry $NZ198 million in the year to June...
25 July 2022
The industry may face pressure to explain its underwriting processes as a senator pushes for changes to home and contents policies to protect small business owners who operate from home...
25 July 2022
Despite headaches the covid pandemic caused the insurance industry, positives have emerged from the response, Clyde & Co Partner Gareth Horne says...