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Claim handling delays top issue as flood complaints rise

12 September 2022

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority says claim handling delays, claim amounts and denials have emerged as the top issues causing disputes following the flooding that hit Southeast Queensland and northern NSW earlier this year...

Clear laws, 'threat actor' consequences needed on ransomware

05 September 2022

Clearer Australian laws and international co-operation to act against criminals are among measures needed in response to the rising threat from ransomware, Kennedys Partner and cyber insurance law specialist Nicholas Blackmore says...

Submission seeks longer visas for offshore loss adjusters

05 September 2022

The Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters is urging that the government extend temporary work visas allocated to overseas insurance loss adjusters after catastrophes to a minimum of six months...

Bureau issues La Nina alert

22 August 2022

The Bureau of Meteorology warns there is now a 70% chance that a third La Nina in a row will develop this year...