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Flood-affected NSW faces heightened bushfire risk by late summer 

Large areas of NSW, particularly in the west, face above normal fire potential this summer due to prolific grass growth, and even flood-ravaged areas will have to be on high alert for bushfire by February. 

The Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC) says saturated grounds from La Nina rains are supporting vegetation and fuel loads, and persistent above average rainfall will promote further grass growth. 

This will result in an above average fire potential later in summer, with the chance of exceeding average fire danger in grassland areas increasing towards the end of the quarter.  

"Very high grass fuel loads could result in larger, more intense fires in NSW despite the onset of cooler weather,” AFAC said. 

“Early summer fire activity is expected to remain below normal in flood affected regions. However, with an expected return to more normal rainfall conditions over summer, these grass fuels are likely to cure and become more susceptible to fire.” 

AFAC’s latest Seasonal Bushfire Outlook says vegetation will dry out in summer and fire potential may “rise quickly with any extended period of hot, dry and windy weather”.  

"It is possible for regions of below normal bushfire potential at the start of summer to transition to normal, or even above normal, bushfire potential later in the season,” it said.  

Most of Australia currently shows normal summer fire potential, and areas across Victoria, NSW and the ACT show below normal fire potential due to increased moisture, a continued wet outlook and fuel load reduction in the 2019-20 bushfire season.  

However, summer bushfire risk is already calculated to be higher than average in central western and southern WA, central Australia, southern Queensland, inland NSW and western Tasmania.