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Williams declares bankruptcy

06 September 2005

Former HIH CEO Ray Williams has filed for bankruptcy and has already offloaded about $11.5 million of property and shares since the one-time mega insurer went down the gurgler…

…While FAI trio declare their innocence

06 September 2005

Meanwhile, the criminal trial of former FAI executives Daniel Wilkie, Timothy Mainprize and Stephen Burroughs has begun in the Supreme Court of NSW…

NSW audits its insurance tax take

06 September 2005

The NSW Office of State Revenue has modified its demands for information from general insurance brokers after discussions with NIBA…

Fate of Zurich investigation undecided

30 August 2005

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s report into Zurich Financial Services’ misleading accounts drama is currently with Attorney-General Philip Ruddock…

Ombudsman to work on its public image

30 August 2005

The Insurance Ombudsman Service is looking at adopting a more “public” image following the completion of an independent review into its own effectiveness…

CGU changes D&O wording

30 August 2005

Less than five months after a high-profile case where CGU won a controversial High Court case over its refusal to advance costs to two directors’ and officers’ claimants…

QBE supports quoting service

30 August 2005

Issues hindering QBE’s involvement in Sunrise Exchange’s Online Quoting system have been resolved…

Victoria passes new levy on business

23 August 2005

The Victorian Government has passed the Emergency Services Bill, which will slug self-insured businesses millions more in taxes each year…

Not guilty plea on HIH charges

23 August 2005

Disgraced entrepreneur Brad Cooper pleaded not guilty yesterday to 13 criminal charges relating to the fall of HIH Insurance…

Get it together, repairers and insurers told

23 August 2005

The Productivity Commission inquiry into the troubled relationship between smash repairers and the insurance industry has found the ongoing rift between the industries…

Uninformed on underinsurance

23 August 2005

You’d expect the Australian Financial Review – one of Australia’s most influential financial publications – to understand the causes and impacts of underinsurance…

Brough wants to see more rate reductions

16 August 2005

Despite the release of two separate reports showing premium drops in public liability and professional indemnity, the Federal Government still wants to see further rate reductions…

Flood data shortage denied

16 August 2005

Insurers already have sufficient information available to accurately measure flood risk in Australia, says natural hazards expert Russell Blong…

The insurers get their heads up

16 August 2005

The past five years have been busy ones for the insurance companies – HIH, rates and regulatory reform are just a few of the issues they’ve had to deal with…

ACCC approves IAG’s smash repairer scheme

16 August 2005

Despite ongoing criticisms of insurers’ use of preferred smash repairer schemes by the motor industry, the ACCC has given a thumbs-up to most aspects of the scheme being run…

State taxes blamed for underinsurance

16 August 2005

State governments are to blame for much of Australia’s underinsurance problem, according to ICA Executive Director Alan Mason…