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Insurance pumps up economy

16 August 2005

State and territory governments collected $3.2 billion in taxes from insurance policyholders in 2003/04 – an increase of 51% over the past five years…

APRA awards scholarships

16 August 2005

APRA has awarded four student scholarships under the Brian Gray Scholarship Program to students studying a topic of relevance to prudential regulation…

BrokerCentral achieves compliance

16 August 2005

Technology provider InsuranceConnect has announced their broking system, BrokerCentral, has achieved compliance with the Sunrise® Exchange Expert interface…

APRA has a say on DOFIs

09 August 2005

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has sent an internal report to the Federal Treasury about the controversial use of direct offshore foreign insurers…

NZ intermediary reforms urged

09 August 2005

A taskforce set up to investigate the role of New Zealand’s financial services intermediaries has nailed brokers’ hopes for a no-change decision…

Triple-taxing states worry Brough

02 August 2005

Federal Assistant Treasurer Mal Brough says the triple taxation of insurance policies in Australia is “appalling”…

BrokerPlus goes to NAQ

02 August 2005

NAQ Technology has acquired the BrokerPlus system from Lumley Technology…

Industry praises outgoing Carr

02 August 2005

Bob Carr steps down tomorrow as Premier of NSW, and with him goes one of the few political leaders who really understand insurance…

SA moves to thwart Comcare defections

02 August 2005

The Federal Government will ask the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to investigate whether the states are taking liberties with the law…

Motorists group may set up insurer

02 August 2005

Members of the Sydney-based Motorists Action Group, once one of the major forces in the hopelessly factionalised NRMA before the insurer and road services group…

EQC kicks off earthquake education campaign

02 August 2005

The NZ Earthquake Commission has enlisted ad agency M&C Saatchi to create a campaign to educate the public about what to do before, during and after an earthquake…

QBE scores on awards night

02 August 2005

Awards season continued apace last week, with the Charlton publishing group dishing up a decent helping on behalf of its Australian Banking and Finance publication…

NIBA calls for nominations

02 August 2005

Meanwhile, NIBA has put out its annual call for brokers to nominate their choice as the country’s best general insurer…

Code still to be discussed with ASIC

26 July 2005

The general insurance industry’s new code of practice still hasn’t been ratified by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, and it would probably need surgery…

Victoria reveals flooding exposure

26 July 2005

At least 37,000 houses across Melbourne could be flooded above floor level in a repeat of freak storms that swept across the city in late 2003 and early 2004…

No solution for FICS’ legal challenges

26 July 2005

Attempts by the Financial Industry Complaints Service to make members responsible for its costs in the event of judicial reviews have been knocked back by members…