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States ‘harmonise’ operations

Even as they battle to keep large national companies in their state-run workers’ compensation schemes, the two most populous states now acknowledge the difficulties employers in multiple jurisdictions face by announcing moves to harmonise their operations.

NSW Commerce Minister John Della Bosca and Victorian WorkCover Minister John Lenders have announced policies designed to streamline workers’ compensation activities between the two states.

Premiums and compensation payments will still be decided by the scheme involved, but employers will soon have common payment options and application forms. Businesses with staff on both sides of the border will be able to have all their workers’ compensation issues dealt with through a single agent.

Mr Della Bosca and Mr Lenders say the states will share the cost of new workplace safety advertising campaigns and will establish a common approach on the main issues – particularly with regard to the residential construction industry.

The new policies will help save the schemes money.

“Our two states have a common commitment to upholding existing safety standards, while streamlining our systems and reducing complexity for employers and employees,” Mr Della Bosca said.