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… while public servants lose travel cover

The Federal Government has stripped entitlements for Commonwealth public servants in moves aimed to save $20 million in workers’ compensation arrangements.

Under reforms to Comcare legislated in the Government’s final session before the winter recess, public servants can no longer claim for injuries sustained on the way to or from work or on lunch breaks.

Stress-related claims relating to disciplinary action, reprimands and poor performance appraisals have also been curtailed.

Employees could previously claim mental health damages for stress if a reprimand exacerbated an existing health problem. Employees must now show that the actions of superiors caused stress or a mental health condition.

Most of the projected savings are expected to stem from changes to the stress claim provisions.

The public service lunchtime football league has also been affected by the changes. Participants must now seek private cover if they want to continue playing.

The Community and Public Sector Union says the changes were made without consulting members.