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Shrinking dividend incomes adds to squeeze

02 March 2009

Dwindling dividend income – and with it the threat of dwindling capital – is promising yet another headache for insurers battling the economic crunch...

CEOs confident as recession looms

02 March 2009

Australian chief executives are certain their companies will survive the global financial crisis, according to the Australian Institute of Management...

Dial X for accident

02 March 2009

Gen-Xers are the biggest culprits when it comes to talking on mobile phones while driving, an NRMA Insurance survey reveals...

Small firms get government bushfire aid

23 February 2009

A $25,000 “restoration grant” for uninsured owners of small businesses and farms directly affected by the Victorian bushfires really isn’t like an insurance payout...

Fury at cancelled backburns in NSW bushfire zones

23 February 2009

The insurance industry and firefighters have expressed their concern about a massive backlog of burn-offs planned for NSW bushfire zones in the wake of the massive devastation...

Restricted access prolongs bushfire tally task

16 February 2009

As the death toll climbs toward and almost certainly well beyond 200, difficulty in accessing properties affected by the Victorian bushfires is holding claims technicians back...

Analysts predict heavy losses from Vic bushfires

16 February 2009

Analysts are predicting large losses for insurers from the Victorian bushfires, and say it could lead to further premium increases for people living in bushfire-prone areas...

Power firm faces class action

16 February 2009

Electricity provider SP Ausnet and the Victorian Government face class action lawsuits in the wake of the bushfires that devastated Kinglake and neighbouring communities...

Worst to come, says analyst report

16 February 2009

The global financial crisis is the worst experts have seen and worse is yet to come, according to a local actuary’s report examining the effect on the industry...

ICA offers $50,000 resilience prize

16 February 2009

ICA is seeking innovative ideas that individuals, businesses or communities have developed to withstand extreme weather events...