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NIBA seeks member support for ad campaign

The National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) has proposed a $1.8 million national advertising campaign to promote the value of insurance brokers to the public.

NIBA will invest $1.3 million a year and wants its members to contribute a minimum of $500,000 to the campaign, to be rolled out across television and radio.

Sustained radio advertising would include commercial attachments to weather and traffic reports. A lighter television campaign would focus on the association’s tenets of quality, wisdom and trust, while an internet search optimisation function would also be included.

The campaign, designed by Adcorp Marketing Communications, will begin in July if enough members financially support the proposal.

President Steve Lardner told brokers at briefings in Melbourne and Sydney last week the strategy will attract maximum exposure and capitalise on current media-buying discounts.

“We do have to sell our story, there’s no doubt about that,” he said. “It’s the right campaign at the right time, and we need your support to get it out there.”

NIBA CEO Noel Pettersen told the association is “tremendously excited at the chance to get out there and promote our true profession”.

NIBA has asked members to contribute between $1500 and $10,000, depending on the size of the member firm. Mr Pettersen says he’s confident brokers will identify value in a national campaign.

“We live in challenging times and seeking contributions in tough times is always a risk,” he said. “At the same time it is a wonderful time to buy ads and deals can be done.”