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Council offers residents the chance to move from floodplain

Residents of the Lockyer Valley whose properties were devastated in the January floods have been offered a cost-free opportunity to relocate to safer ground in the region.

The Lockyer Valley Regional Council says the land swap, which it has offered to affected residents from Grantham, Murphy’s Creek, Postman’s Ridge, Withcott and Helidon, is an Australian first.

Under the deal, residents can volunteer to move to a new site within a 378-hectare parcel of land located adjacent to the Grantham township and outside the flood zone, which the council recently acquired from a local landowner.

Residents who take up the offer will be given an equivalent-sized block of land in the new development, with allocation done via a ballot system where residents can nominate their first, second and third preferences.

Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones says the first release of 80 lots is currently under way with preliminary site works due to commence in June, and the first relocations scheduled to occur before Christmas.

Two further land releases will be conducted late the year and early next year.

Cr Jones says most flood-devastated families have indicated to the Lockyer Valley Regional Council that they would like to relocate to the new development.

But a council spokesman told that the initial ballot process is still under way and it’s too early to say how many affected residents will take up the land swap offer.