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Lawyers warn of defamation claims from social media

10 August 2015

Only a few insurance claims relating to defamation via social media have been made, but this will change given Australians’ rapid take-up of platforms such as Twitter, last week’s Claims Convention in Sydney heard…

In Insurance News (the magazine) this month

10 August 2015

Why did Warren Buffett, a visionary investor with a famous instinct for business advantage, do a “hands-off” deal with IAG that he admits he hasn’t done in 48 years? You’ll find the answer in the latest edition of Insurance News (the magazine), which will be mailed to subscribers over the next week…

Insurers face tougher times: Finity

03 August 2015

Australia’s general insurers must adjust to a new reality, as the soft market finally starts to bite, according to actuarial consultant Finity…

Suncorp named best digital brand

03 August 2015

Consumers have named Suncorp the best digital brand in Australia, leading a top 10 in which half of the businesses are banks or insurers…

FOS clears backlog as complaints drop

03 August 2015

The Financial Ombudsman Service recorded 7720 complaints in the second quarter, down 7% on the preceding three months and 4% on the corresponding quarter of last year…

Cyber criminals pose growing threat

03 August 2015

Organised crime gangs have improved access to sophisticated malware and are using it to steal intellectual property or commercially sensitive information, the Australian Cyber Security Centre warns…

Cyclone study makes recommendations

27 July 2015

Significant damage was caused by wind-driven rain during Tropical Cyclone Olwyn on March 13, according to the Cyclone Testing Station at James Cook University in Townsville…