Royal commission turns spotlight on planners
09 April 2018
The royal commission on financial services misconduct will focus on financial planning and wealth management in its second round of public hearings, starting next Monday…
09 April 2018
The royal commission on financial services misconduct will focus on financial planning and wealth management in its second round of public hearings, starting next Monday…
09 April 2018
Maurice Blackburn has savaged the life insurance industry’s self-regulated code of practice, calling it inadequate and a failure…
09 April 2018
MetLife has appointed Stephen Sefton as Head of Group Product, responsible for expanding the group life insurance offering…
09 April 2018
The Financial Planning Association has sent a questionnaire on proposed Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority standards to its 13,700 members and affiliates…
09 April 2018
TAL has partnered with Remedy Healthcare to introduce the healthcare provider’s MindStep mental health program to its customers, in a bid to strengthen its mental health capabilities…
26 March 2018
The Financial Services Council has called for the establishment of a genetics and insurance council to discuss policy with the Government…
26 March 2018
Minister for Revenue and Financial Services Kelly O’Dwyer has raised concerns that superannuation members do not receive value for money from default insurance premiums…
26 March 2018
TAL Direct will offer refunds totalling $900,000 to 1200 Insuranceline customers after the insurer breached the terms of funeral insurance policies…
26 March 2018
New Zealand life insurance advisers are engaging in practices that are not in clients’ best interests, according to an industry review by the Financial Markets Authority…
26 March 2018
The Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority has released draft guidance on education pathways for financial advisers…
26 March 2018
AMP CEO Craig Meller will retire towards the end of this year, according to a statement released to the Australian Securities Exchange this morning…
26 March 2018
The Financial Services Council has awarded its annual industry leader prize to TAL GM Group Insurance Jenny Oliver and CommInsure Senior Manager Rehabilitation Services Julie-Ann MacCormick…
19 March 2018
Life insurance companies must refocus on their strategic strengths amid technological disruption, regulatory changes and eroding public trust, according to PwC…
19 March 2018
TAL has won the Association of Financial Advisers and Strategic Insight life company of the year award…
19 March 2018
NobleOak Life has topped a Canstar review of the direct income protection market for the third year running…
19 March 2018
Vision Super has signed up to the Insurance in Superannuation Voluntary Code of Practice – the latest fund to commit to the guidelines on group cover…
19 March 2018
Momentum Life will underwrite its own policies after obtaining a life insurance licence from New Zealand regulatory authorities…
19 March 2018
Cigna New Zealand’s former CEO Gail Costa is to return to her old job…
12 March 2018
Business advisory firm Ecovis Clark Jacobs has formed a new insurance joint venture, allowing it to expand its accounting, taxation and audit service offering…
12 March 2018
Australia’s six largest life insurers will increase their share of inforce premium to almost 88% once the latest round of takeovers is completed, according to a report by market analyst Strategic Insight…