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Life Insurance

Super CEO resigns

20 February 2007

The head of Australia’s superannuation lobby group, Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia CEO Philippa Smith, has resigned…

FPA aims for recruitment success

13 February 2007

The FPA has moved into the recruitment sector by launching a website facility for employers and job seekers in the financial planning industry…

FICS wants to be an ombudsman

06 February 2007

The Financial Industry Complaints Service is contemplating a name change as part of a push to highlight its independence, and spokesman Troy Hunter says the organisation is…

Zurich No 1 for life risk

06 February 2007

Financial advisers have named Zurich Financial Services Australia the best provider of life risks in the country for the third consecutive year, but competition between providers is tighter…

Code gets clean bill of health

30 January 2007

Despite harsh criticism from ASIC and just about everyone else over the behaviour of some financial planners, a review of the planners’ code of practice is showing plenty of improvement…

FPA considers regulation possibilities

30 January 2007

The FPA has submitted its response to the Federal Government’s planned overhaul of financial services regulation. Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer Chris Pearce released an options paper in November, detailing possible changes to legislation…

Communication vital, Pearce tells planners

28 November 2006

The future of the financial planning industry lies in the value of advice provided and how advisers communicate with consumers, according to Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer…

Valued advice proves a winner

28 November 2006

Financial planners have celebrated the best of their own with the FPA inaugural Value of Advice Awards…

Life insurance statistics boom

21 November 2006

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has released the Life Office Market Report, which covers the life insurance sector…

FPA cautious on compulsory PI

14 November 2006

The Financial Planning Association of Australia is cautiously reviewing moves by the Federal Government to make professional indemnity insurance compulsory for financial planners…

FPA wants co-regulatory model

07 November 2006

The Financial Planning Association says the regulatory system for financial planners in Australia should be a co-regulatory model…

FPA turns a profit

07 November 2006

The FPA has reported a $606,000 surplus for the 2006 financial year, helping to return its reserves to 2003 levels…

New professional services manager for FPA

31 October 2006

Educationist Deen Sanders has been hired by the Financial Planning Association to manage a new division that incorporates three of the association’s areas of work…

Life insurance stable for 2007

31 October 2006

Australia’s life insurance industry is in a strong position going into next year, with ratings agency Standards & Poor’s predicting further profitability…

FPA lends a hand on SOAs

24 October 2006

In a bid to help its members create clear, concise and effective statements of advice, the peak financial planning body has updated a guide that it published late in 2004…

FPA moves on ad campaign

24 October 2006

The FPA has launched the next stage of its “value of advice” ad campaign…