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Life Insurance

Advisers embracing social media

03 June 2013

Advisers are turning to social media for a variety of uses in their businesses, including lead generation and customer care…

Life insurers report strong year

27 May 2013

Life insurers’ combined profits grew 17% to $3 billion in the year to March 31, according to the latest Australian Prudential Regulation Authority figures…

Direct insurers gain market share

27 May 2013

The direct life market is starting to impinge on the adviser distribution channel as products grow increasingly similar, according to new research by Plan For Life…

Flu can be expensive for insurers

27 May 2013

A flu pandemic in Australia could have a 32% direct impact on the profitability of a large insurer, according to Aon Benfield Asia Senior Broker Pierre Vende…

AFA adds to mentor scheme

20 May 2013

The Association of Financial Advisers has upgraded its mentoring program for young professionals, with face-to-face meetings, webinars and discussion papers…

AMP reports small increase in life income

13 May 2013

AMP has reported a slight improvement in life insurance annual premium income for the three months to March 31, rising to $1.75 billion from $1.74 billon…

NAB insurance earnings dip as claims rise

13 May 2013

NAB Wealth’s insurance earnings fell 48% to $48 million in the six months to March 31 on higher claims, increased lapses and changes to the retail insurance book profile…

Macquarie Life annual premiums up 24%

06 May 2013

Macquarie Life inforce premiums for the 12 months ending March 31 were $155 million, up 24% from $125 million in the previous year…

ANZ insurance business grows 10%

06 May 2013

ANZ says total insurance annual inforce premium for the six months to March 31 was $1.8 billion, up 10% on the previous corresponding period…