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NDIS paper wins ALUCA scholarship

CommInsure Senior Rehabilitation Consultant Linda Winterbottom has won the Australasian Life Underwriting and Claims Association (ALUCA) TurksLegal Scholarship.

Her winning essay considered how the national disability insurance scheme might challenge the industry, and the opportunities it could create.

“In addition to her insightful writing on the topic, Ms Winterbottom’s paper showed some of her own research, which made it truly outstanding,” TurksLegal Insurance and Financial Services Practice Group Leader John Myatt said.

The prize includes an overseas conference package valued at $8000, including travel, accommodation, $1000 cash and registration fees.

The scholarship attracted 23 papers, one of the best returns in the program’s seven-year history.

The runners-up were Michael Richardson of RGA and Amity McCarthy of OnePath, who will receive a $1000 Visa pre-paid gift card and a $250 restaurant voucher respectively.

The judging panel included ClearView MD Simon Swanson, BT Financial Group Head of Life Insurance Phil Hay, MLC EGM Insurance Duncan West, ALUCA Chairman Brian Sussman, ALUCA CEO Tony O’Leary and TurksLegal partners Alph Edwards, Darryl Pereira and Mr Myatt.