Advice industry welcomes grandfathering reprieve
01 December 2014
Older advisers who want to sell their life books can once again do so under a welcome move to reinstate grandfathering rules, Synchron Director Don Trapnell says…
01 December 2014
Older advisers who want to sell their life books can once again do so under a welcome move to reinstate grandfathering rules, Synchron Director Don Trapnell says…
01 December 2014
Suncorp Life has recruited former CommInsure head of strategic services David Pik to be its Head of Strategy…
01 December 2014
About 20% of the workforce has some form of mental health problem, a leading psychologist says…
24 November 2014
Regulations to change the Future of Financial Advice legislation have been rejected by the Senate, with Labor winning support from former Palmer United’s Jacqui Lambie…
24 November 2014
The individual income protection insurance sector recorded a $208 million after-tax loss in the year to September 30, according to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…
24 November 2014
Providing financial advice is about communicating with clients, rather than just strategy and compliance, iCommunicate director Andrew Whelan says…
24 November 2014
Crowe Horwath directors have backed a takeover offer from Financial Index Wealth Accountants (Findex), while an independent expert has valued the financial services…
24 November 2014
The Financial Planning Association has named Randall Stout from HPH Solutions as its Certified Financial Planner of the year…
24 November 2014
Financial services and insurance is one of the best-paid, most highly educated and diverse sectors of the economy, according to a report from the Financial Services Council and financial services…
17 November 2014
TAL’s half-year net profit grew to $71 million from $29 million as higher income offset record claims payouts…
17 November 2014
Almost two-thirds of organisations facing group life premium increases are reviewing their insurance, according to an Aon Hewitt survey…
17 November 2014
The “father of trauma insurance”, Marius Barnard, has died in South Africa aged 87. He had been suffering prostate cancer for the past 17 years…
17 November 2014
Independent expert KordaMentha Forensic has been appointed to oversee Commonwealth Bank’s compliance with new licence conditions imposed on its financial planning arms…
17 November 2014
Insurers including CommInsure have come under the media spotlight recently after withdrawing life cover for military personnel entering war zones – but the reports have not…
17 November 2014
Zurich Australia Life & Investments CEO Colin Morgan has been promoted to CEO of the group’s life business in the Asia-Pacific region…
17 November 2014
The Financial Services Council has appointed former journalist Sally Loane as CEO, to replace John Brogden from January…
17 November 2014
Financial services advisers and other providers owe 165 consumers $10.91 million following determinations by the Financial Ombudsman Service…
10 November 2014
The Victorian Government’s move to abolish stamp duty on life insurance could result in retail and group policyholders paying more rather than less…
10 November 2014
ClearView expects more life insurance cross-selling through its new WealthFoundations super product…
10 November 2014
The Financial Planning Association says enrolments for its Certified Financial Planner summer course are up 100% on last year…