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CFP course revamp attracts more advisers

The Financial Planning Association (FPA) has reported a spike in enrolments to its Certified Financial Planner (CFP) program.

CEO Mark Rantall says changes to the way advisers access the course are behind the increased participation.

“For the first time the CFP certification program enables advisers to choose which unit they want to study first, and provides them with a pre-admission service,” he said.

“This makes it easier to create a ‘personalised’ pathway into the program – one that works around planners’ lifestyle and work commitments.”

Of the 700 students enrolled this semester, a number are re-entering the program after taking breaks.

Mr Rantall says the FPA is committed to working with advisers to find tailored solutions to joining the program.y

“These include online subject rooms, comprehensive webinars and the option to join study groups for peer-to-peer support.”

There are currently about 5500 CFP advisers in Australia.