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The Professional

QBE Foundation wins praise for charity work

16 October 2017

The QBE Foundation has won an award at a ceremony showcasing groups and people who make a difference through their contribution to health and medical research…

Axis appoints NSW Manager

16 October 2017

Andrew Mitchell is the new NSW Manager at Axis Underwriting, replacing Emily Walker after she was promoted to National Development Manager…

Rice Warner chief wins actuary accolade

16 October 2017

The Actuaries Institute has named Michael Rice actuary of the year, recognising his dedication to the profession and formation of good public policy for the superannuation and retirement sectors…

Forum sets date for Christmas lunch

16 October 2017

The Melbourne Marine Insurance Forum’s annual Christmas lunch will take place on Friday November 24. Tickets will be on sale soon…

Aon hosts risk conference

09 October 2017

Aon will host more than 300 delegates tomorrow and Wednesday at the Sofitel Melbourne, for its 13th annual Advanced Risk Conference…

Aon sponsors Paralympic champion

09 October 2017

Aon will sponsor canoe champion Curtis McGrath over the next three and a half years as he strives to compete for gold at the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo…

McLarens adjuster wins AICLA diploma award

02 October 2017

Engineering adjuster Lebnan El Hajj from McLarens has won this year’s Diploma of Loss Adjusting Prize award organised by the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters…

Applications for CASE Awards Now Open

02 October 2017

Applications are now open for the annual Care and Service Excellence awards which recognise outstanding service delivery in the NSW workers’ compensation industry…

APRA names Brian Gray scholars

02 October 2017

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has announced the four winners of its Brian Gray Scholarship to study topics in the financial sector…

YIPs founder takes regional claims role

02 October 2017

Willis Towers Watson has appointed Sampath Soysa as Claims Manager – Northern and Southern Region within its Corporate Risk and Broking team…

LFI expands broker support team

02 October 2017

Paul Concannon has been appointed LFI Group Business Leader and Grant Smith its Business Development Manager for Victoria and Tasmania in response to increased demand for the credit insurer’s products…