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The Professional

NTI launches weekly COVID-19 update for brokers

20 April 2020

Specialist transport and logistics insurer NTI has launched a weekly COVID-19 bulletin for broker partners, keeping them informed of developments that are relevant to the business...

Fusion appoints financial lines partner

20 April 2020

Sydney-based managing general agency Fusion Specialty Solutions has recruited Damian Lynch as Fusion Financial Lines Managing Partner and Partner in Fusion’s M&A Insurance...

NIBA cancels convention, continues awards

06 April 2020

The National Insurance Brokers Association has cancelled its convention in October due to the coronavirus but plans to continue with its annual awards program...

AMI launches kindness campaign

06 April 2020

IAG-owned New Zealand insurer AMI has launched a kindness campaign to "lift the spirits" of the public during the coronavirus outbreak...

'Socially responsible': ANZIIF calls off awards

30 March 2020

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance says it is "extremely disappointed" that the coronavirus outbreak has caused the cancellation of its industry awards this year...

Steamatic projects chief dies

30 March 2020

Well-known Steamatic National Major Projects Manager Gordon Schwarz has died after a long illness, the restoration company says...

Coronavirus crisis requires broad responses

30 March 2020

The coronavirus crisis may require companies to tap expertise in business continuity planning and communications as well as advice around accessing government stimulus programs, First Light Consulting says...

Automation assisting remote working: Berkley

30 March 2020

Demand for automation and self-service tools has dramatically increased as working from home has becomes the new norm, particularly in the past few weeks, Berkley Insurance Australia says...

Sydney solicitor wins inaugural Gill award

30 March 2020

Wotton + Kearney Solicitor Jessica Chapman has submitted the winning essay to take home the inaugural Gill Award. The award is organised by the Australian Insurance Law Association to honour its co-founder, Michael Gill...

NIBA staff stay home after infection scare

23 March 2020

All staff from the National Insurance Brokers Association are currently working from home after a suspected coronavirus case was identified at its North Sydney office building...

Cyber worries add to virus headaches

23 March 2020

Businesses have been urged to step up efforts to prevent cyber attacks as risks from coronavirus scams increase and more employees work from home on potentially less secure devices...

Event cancellations extend further ahead

23 March 2020

Insurance industry events are being cancelled further into the second half of the year as the coronavirus outbreak escalates, with Community Broker Network and Ausure announcing that they are suspending their conferences...