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Risk Frontiers appoints new MD as McAneney retires

Australian risk management and modelling company Risk Frontiers has appointed Ryan Crompton as MD, following the retirement of John McAneney.

Professor McAneney took over leadership of the organisation from Russell Blong in 2003, and in 2017 oversaw the move away from Macquarie University to begin operating as an independent company.

“John has nurtured the professionals who have chosen to work at Risk Frontiers and promoted the culture of tremendous work ethic, intellectual curiosity and scientific rigour underpinning the company,” the company said. “Our new MD, Dr Ryan Crompton, looks forward to doing the same.”

Prof McAneney says leading Risk Frontiers has been the highlight of his career.

“It has been a privilege to have been able to work closely with so many brilliant people and help create a research capability that is second to none in our field,” he said.

“Few are given that privilege and I’m grateful to Russell for entrusting me with that responsibility so many moons ago.”

Prof McAneney has agreed to remain on the board as a non-executive director until at least the end of this year.

Dr Crompton, whose PhD covered disaster losses and climate change, was appointed to Risk Frontiers while studying at Macquarie University and has held various roles within the company.

“The big growth area that we see is working in and around climate change,” he told