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The Professional

IAG NZ perpetuates AMI name in new stadium

26 March 2012

IAG NZ has bought the naming rights to a new temporary Christchurch sports stadium, which now bears the name of AMI, the struggling insurer it took over last month…

ClearView appoints state managers

26 March 2012

ClearView Wealth has appointed two new state managers – Tony Smith for Queensland and Tony Schiavello for Victoria and Tasmania…

Casey on the double

19 March 2012

Casey Fenton from Integra Insurance Brokers in WA has scored a double in this year’s Steadfast/Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance academic awards…

Steadfast members to ponder options

12 March 2012

Members of the Steadfast Group will gain a greater understanding of the organisation’s possible future shape when they meet for their annual convention beginning on Saturday…

AICLA member poll rates education over lobbying

05 March 2012

Members of the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters have backed the organisation’s work as an education and accreditation provider, a new survey has revealed…

Board reshuffle at Suncorp

05 March 2012

Suncorp has announced two new board appointments following the departure of Paula Dwyer, who resigned to join the board of ANZ…