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Regulatory & Government

NSW helps homeowners search for home cover

12 February 2018

The NSW Government has produced an online tool allowing homeowners to independently check if their building or renovation works have valid insurance certificates…

Construction code changes planned

12 February 2018

The Australian Building Codes Board is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the National Construction Code 2019…

APRA flags news on actuarial changes

05 February 2018

Proposed changes to the role of appointed actuaries in insurance will be finalised in the first half of this year, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority says in a paper outlining its policy priorities this year…

ICA seeks more time on actuary changes

05 February 2018

The Insurance Council of Australia says members may need more time to adjust to new regulatory standards covering appointed actuaries…

NSW opens home building cover to private insurers

05 February 2018

Private insurers can now provide protection for NSW homeowners against incomplete and defective construction work, under changes to the Home Building Compensation Fund program…

icare revamps self-insurance operation

05 February 2018

Insurance & Care NSW has renamed its government agencies self-insurance service, as it proceeds with a three-year strategy to improve its offering…

ICA wants exemption from national security drive

05 February 2018

The Insurance Council of Australia has asked to be exempted from the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme, which is part of the Turnbull Government’s crackdown on espionage and other activities that jeopardise national security…

icare backs support scheme for injured workers

05 February 2018

Craig’s Table, a social enterprise to help injured workers return to employment, will open in western Sydney this month after the icare Foundation provided seed funding of $500,000…

ESL failure cost insurers $40 million: ICA

29 January 2018

Failure to remove the emergency services levy in NSW cost insurers more than $40 million and saw funds spent “to no purpose”, the Insurance Council of Australia says in a submission to a parliamentary inquiry…

Royal commission to hold February hearing

29 January 2018

The royal commission into misconduct in the banking, superannuation and financial services industry will hold an initial public hearing in Melbourne in two weeks…

ASIC puts insurers on notice over add-on cover

29 January 2018

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Acting Chairman Peter Kell says insurers that provide so-called add-on insurance should be taking active steps to change deficient products…

ICA suggests transition period for ASIC fee reform

29 January 2018

Treasury should consider an “appropriate” transition period for implementation of the fee-for-service funding model that takes effect on July 1, the Insurance Council of Australia says in a submission…

RBNZ fills insurance supervision role

29 January 2018

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has appointed Richard Dean as Manager Insurance Oversight following the retirement last Friday of Pete Brady…

Guidance issued on SME duty exemption

29 January 2018

Revenue NSW has issued a practice note relating to the general insurance small business exemption, which became available on January 1…