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Victoria allocates more cash for cladding inspections

The new Victorian budget will include $25 million to step up cladding inspections and crack down on builders who flout the law.

The budget, to be announced tomorrow, provides $16.5 million for the Victorian Building Authority, allowing it to complete a state-wide building audit and enhance inspections and enforcement.

The Victorian Cladding Taskforce, set up last year to address non-compliance in the construction sector, will gain $4.3 million to continue its work.

A further $4.2 million will be spent increasing penalties and making legislative changes, which the State Government says will send a message that building practitioners will have licences suspended or cancelled if they cut corners or rely on cheap, dangerous materials.

“We’re giving authorities the tools and resources needed to inspect more buildings and keep Victorians safe from cladding fires,” Planning Minister Richard Wynne said.

“Events in London have shown cladding fires can have deadly consequences, and cities right around the world are not immune.”

The Victorian Building Authority is midway through assessing 1369 priority sites with planning or building permits identified by the taskforce.