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NSW workers’ comp claims hold steady

The number of workers’ compensation claims and claims incidence rates in NSW have stabilised over the past three years.

There were 91,914 reported claims last financial year, according to the annual report from the State Insurance Regulatory Authority.

The number of reported claims arising from fatalities has also stabilised, with 60 last year compared with 61 in 2015/16.

The transport, postal and warehousing industries recorded the largest reduction in fatalities, to seven last year from 14 in 2015/16.

The number of people returning to work after four weeks increased to 74% from 55% in 2014/15. This may be due to a combination of improving rates and a better reporting methodology, the authority says.

The proportion of NSW claimants who return to work is slightly above the national average, at 90% and 87% respectively.

Workers who believe they are “treated with care and dignity” throughout the claims management process achieve an 85% return rate, compared with 70% among those who do not believe this, the report says.

Those who think the system treated them fairly achieve an 89% rate, compared with 67% among those who do not.