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Regulatory & Government

Royal commission turns attention to SMEs

30 April 2018

The royal commission on financial services misconduct will focus on SMEs when its third round of public hearings starts in Melbourne next month…

ICA backs APRA data collection tool

30 April 2018

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s proposed new data collection tool is more efficient and user-friendly than the present system, the Insurance Council of Australia says…

Canberra toughens up corporate crime penalties

23 April 2018

Penalties for corporate misconduct will be strengthened and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission given enhanced powers to investigate and punish white-collar crime, the Government says…

WA bushfire defences gain budget boost

23 April 2018

WA will allocate $80 million to its new Rural Fire Division – funded through a rise in the emergency services levy on council rates – and take further steps to reduce risks as it continues to respond to deadly bushfires two years ago…

ASIC steps up co-operation with jobs department

23 April 2018

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and Department of Jobs and Small Business have signed a memorandum of understanding to foster closer co-operation…

ACCC appoints Deputy Chairman

23 April 2018

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has appointed Mick Keogh as Deputy Chairman for a five-year term, starting from the end of next month…

WA seeks feedback on injury scheme

23 April 2018

The Insurance Commission of WA will hold a forum with service providers to discuss ways to improve the Motor Vehicle Catastrophic Injuries Support scheme, which started in 2016…