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Regulatory & Government

ASIC steps up climate risk focus

25 June 2018

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is working to address climate risk within the context of corporate governance…

ASIC wants AFCA to report mis-selling

25 June 2018

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority should report insurers to the regulator if they engage in unconscionable conduct to sell cover that is not needed or could not be claimed on, a guidance note for the new scheme says…

Barrister selected for ASIC deputy role

25 June 2018

Barrister Daniel Crennan has been appointed Deputy Chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. He starts his five-year term next month…

AFCA appoints Chief Ombudsman

18 June 2018

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority has announced the appointment of David Locke as Chief Ombudsman and CEO…

NSW to fund automated vehicle tests

18 June 2018

The NSW budget, to be announced tomorrow by State Treasurer Dominic Perrottet, has set aside $10 million to expand driverless vehicle trials, with the transport department to distribute the funds over four years through its Smart Innovation Centre…

ICA attacks industry funding consultation

12 June 2018

The Insurance Council of Australia has criticised the “poor process” used in a consultation on proposed financial institution supervisory levies for next financial year…

Victoria widens TAC benefits for cyclists

12 June 2018

New legislation in Victoria will allow cyclists to access Transport Accident Commission benefits if they are injured in crashes with stationary vehicles at any time…

APRA standards strengthen actuary role

12 June 2018

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has released prudential standards designed to strengthen and clarify the appointed actuary role within insurers…