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Regulatory & Government

Tasmania keeps CTP premium down

04 October 2010

Tasmanians will be spared an annual increase in their compulsory third party insurance premiums for the sixth year in a row, according to Premier David Bartlett…

New capital regime may impact insurers

27 September 2010

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is examining the definition of “eligible capital” for general insurers in a broader review of general and life insurance capital standards…

WA body seeks national profile

27 September 2010

Workcover WA wants to strengthen its profile across Australia to ensure its views on a possible national scheme are heeded…

Pakistan’s economy harmed, says EFIC

27 September 2010

The economic costs of the recent floods in Pakistan are expected to be 25% of the country’s GDP, according to the latest Export Finance and Insurance Corporation World Risk Developments report…

Inquiry backs insurance tax cuts

20 September 2010

The abolition of cascading taxes on insurance has been recommended by a long-awaited cross-bench inquiry into the Victorian Government’s tax regime…

Shadow financial services line-up revealed

20 September 2010

The Federal Coalition’s shadow financial services line-up includes some familiar faces and the not-so-familiar features of a former ladies’ college gardener from Perth…

AMP rep gets lifetime ban

20 September 2010

A former AMP authorised representative who falsely arranged life and income protection policies has been permanently banned from providing financial services…

ASIC secures $1 million Westpoint settlement

20 September 2010

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has reached a $1 million settlement of its actions against Barzen (formerly Dukes Financial Services) and company principal Joseph Dukes…

Shorten in, Bowen and Sherry move on

13 September 2010

Former lawyer and trade unionist Bill Shorten has been rewarded with the key portfolio of financial services and superannuation in a reshuffle announced on Saturday by Prime Minister Julia Gillard…

ACCC rejects NAB bid for Axa

13 September 2010

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has rejected NAB’s takeover of Axa Asia Pacific Holdings…

ASIC updates PDS guide

13 September 2010

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has released an updated guide on product disclosure statements and obligations…

APRA makes a plea for financial data

13 September 2010

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has written to companies it regulates seeking their co-operation in continuing to report the financial results of any parent companies…

NZ Insurance Act passed

06 September 2010

New Zealand’s Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act has been passed, with the local industry giving the legislation enthusiastic support…

Queensland cuts cost of CTP

06 September 2010

The Queensland Parliament has moved to ban the payment of commissions by compulsory third-party insurers to motor dealers…

Hardie held liable for tax bill

06 September 2010

A Federal Court of Australia ruling last week found the James Hardie Group liable for a $412 million tax bill…

Data loss risks licence loss

30 August 2010

Australian insurers losing client data come under scrutiny from both the prudential and corporate regulators, and risk losing their licences…

APRA keeping an eye on insurance

30 August 2010

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority will continue “stress-testing” the general insurance industry as part of its supervision of financial services…

Premium funders seek Treasury exemption

23 August 2010

Insurance premiums funders will petition Federal Treasury for an exemption to new credit licence regulations after the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…

Mutuals avoiding levy, say firemen

23 August 2010

The New Zealand Fire Service is pursuing “mutual organisations” which provide a form of risk cover to customers in place of insurance, thereby avoiding the fire services levy attached to property…