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APRA scores well in satisfaction survey

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has recorded some favourable scores in satisfaction ratings from the organisations it oversees.

Its latest stakeholder survey has been conducted with Australian Survey Research (ASR), collecting feedback from regulated institutions, industry representatives and observers.

Although this is only the second time the survey has been done, ASR says the excellent results are a further endorsement of APRA’s framework and approach to supervision.

“Regulated entities agree that APRA has had a positive impact on their industry,” ASR said in a statement.

The survey shows APRA is holding its own in the demonstration of staff integrity and professionalism, scoring 4.5 and 4.4 respectively on a scale of one to five.

It also reveals the enforcement of the prudential framework is on target with scores of 4.2 for the impact it is having on industries and for the framework achieving its mission statement.

However, the survey shows that APRA still has some work to do in the areas of harmonising its prudential framework with a score of 2.8 on the satisfaction rating, down from 3.4 in 2009.

APRA has also shown significant improvement in the administration of statistical information, with 79.7% of respondents saying it is “about right” compared to 66.3% in 2009.

The survey shows that while APRA has real strength around the impact of its framework, guidance materials, and staff adherence to values, it still has some work to do over the cost and impact of regulation, especially for smaller enterprises.