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Work together on resilience, says minister

Federal Attorney-General Rob McClelland says creating a resilience strategy for natural disasters is not just the Government’s responsibility.

Speaking in Brisbane last week at an emergency response conference, he said the Natural Strategy for Disaster Resilience requires input from all levels of government, business, community and the not-for-profit sector.

“The strategy emphasises disaster resilience is a shared responsibility for individuals, local communities, businesses, the not-for-profit sector and governments.”

He says the strategy is also about informing the Australian public about the risks the nation faces from natural disasters.

“To create a resilient nation, we all need the relevant knowledge, skills and abilities to take appropriate action,” he said.

“We all need to work in partnership with emergency services, local authorities and other bodies to manage risk and to minimise the impacts of disasters.”

Mr McClelland says communities and individuals will have to take more control of the situation in future rather than relying on post-disaster recovery efforts and financial assistance.

To make the strategy work, the community must undertake a sustained behavioural change.

“The strategy recognises that disaster resilience is a long-term outcome which requires collaboration and long-term commitment,” he said.

Meanwhile the Federal Government will fund development of a National Emergency Smartphone Application to improve access to disaster information and help reduce emergency calls during natural disasters.