Regulator cracks down on NZ breaches
20 May 2013
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has warned insurers it is taking a tougher approach to compliance breaches…
20 May 2013
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has warned insurers it is taking a tougher approach to compliance breaches…
20 May 2013
The NT Government expects to raise $36 million from insurance taxes in the year to June 30, rising to $38 million next financial year…
20 May 2013
The New Zealand Government estimates it will contribute $NZ15.2 billion ($12.62 billion) to the Canterbury earthquake recovery…
20 May 2013
New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation will cut levies by about $NZ300 million ($249 million) in 2014/15, rising to $NZ1 billion ($830 million) from 2015/16…
13 May 2013
The Federal Government has released draft legislation to add unfair contract terms to the Insurance Contracts Act…
13 May 2013
General insurers will have to appoint independent chief risk officers under a new standard proposed by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…
13 May 2013
The Victorian Government’s insurance tax haul will drop in the next financial year as it removes the fire services levy (FSL) and replaces it with a $610.9 million property tax from July 1…
13 May 2013
Insurers argue they can bring competition and innovation to the Queensland workers’ compensation scheme, currently run by a government authority…
13 May 2013
The Queensland Government has introduced a bill to make its definition of “worker” the same as that used by the Australian Taxation Office…
13 May 2013
The underlying trend among workers’ compensation premiums in WA is for rises, according to GIO…
13 May 2013
Conglomerates – groups whose activities cross more than one industry – will have to perform internal capital adequacy assessments under draft standards proposed by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…
13 May 2013
The Insurance Council of Australia has supported reforms aiming to increase the efficiency and affordability of the NSW compulsory third-party insurance scheme…
13 May 2013
Australian financial services licensees must have “robust” recruitment processes to ensure staff meet required standards, the industry regulator has warned…
13 May 2013
Online comparator JustEzi has been forced to remove a car insurance comparison tool after the Australian Securities and Investments Commission found it “potentially misleading”.…
06 May 2013
The financial institutions supervisory levy – under which the industry pays to be regulated – hits some general insurers disproportionately hard due to their use of reinsurance, the Insurance Council of Australia…
06 May 2013
The NSW Government has cut the average WorkCover premium by 7.5% under the reform of its workers’ compensation program begun last year…
06 May 2013
Mental injury claims under Comcare are to face greater scrutiny and prompt a more rehabilitative approach to returning employees to work, according to the Federal Government…
06 May 2013
New contract legislation must be passed as soon as possible to bring in key reforms, according to the Insurance Council of Australia…
06 May 2013
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission plans to let RACQ Insurance set the labour rate for warranty repairs undertaken by its approved network…
06 May 2013
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has launched a consultation on its new financial literacy strategy…