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Regulatory & Government

SA to introduce CTP revamp

11 March 2013

Premiums will be cut on SA’s compulsory third party scheme from July 1, under legislative changes introduced last week…

APRA rules on actuarial calculations

11 March 2013

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has clarified its expectations for insurers’ calculation of the premium liability offset…

ACC names Willis executive as new CEO

11 March 2013

New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation has named Scott Pickering of Willis as its new CEO, following the departure of Ralph Stewart last December…

ASIC sets out code guidelines

04 March 2013

Codes of conduct for financial services bodies must meet the opt-in objectives of the Future of Financial Advice legislation to win approval, according to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…

Planners fear PI rate rises under FOFA

04 March 2013

Financial planners may see their professional indemnity insurance rates rise under the Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) reforms, an Australian Securities and Investments Commission panel has heard…

ASIC busts FOFA myths

04 March 2013

Several myths have arisen regarding the Future of Financial Advice reforms, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has warned…

Regulator to check brokers’ trust funds

04 March 2013

The Financial Markets Authority in New Zealand says it will visit businesses including insurance brokers to ensure clients’ money is held in appropriate trust funds…

APRA plans insurance data revamp

25 February 2013

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is proposing an overhaul of its general and life insurance data publications and says it wants all statistics submitted by general insurers to be non-confidential…

ASIC wants flood option on all policies

25 February 2013

About 80% of people are able to access flood cover in their insurance policies, but the figure should be 100%, according to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…

Regulator seeks CTP overhaul in NSW

25 February 2013

The Motor Accidents Authority has called for an overhaul of the NSW compulsory third party insurance scheme, to make it more efficient and affordable…

ACCC considers NRMA Insurance complaints

25 February 2013

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says it is investigating allegations of bullying and harassment against NRMA Insurance…