FOS calls for inquiry focus on consumer trust
14 April 2014
Consumer trust in financial services should be at the heart of the financial system inquiry, according to the Financial Ombudsman Service…
14 April 2014
Consumer trust in financial services should be at the heart of the financial system inquiry, according to the Financial Ombudsman Service…
14 April 2014
Consumer groups have urged the financial system inquiry to investigate insurance affordability and availability for low-income and disadvantaged groups, claiming the industry has made little effort to provide suitable products…
14 April 2014
Suncorp and IAG’s refusal to allow their products on comparison websites contributes to a lack of transparency, reduced competition and ill-informed consumers, UK-based insurance comparator Compare the Market says…
14 April 2014
The Victorian Government is to take over builders’ warranty insurance, setting up a fund under a single body to oversee builder registration, disputes and claims…
14 April 2014
The Victorian Fire Services Levy Monitor has issued further guidelines for insurers that over-collected the levy…
14 April 2014
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has released final documents for new reinsurance data collection requirements for general insurers…
14 April 2014
WA WorkCover rates will fall 6.7% next financial year to an average recommended premium of 1.556% of total wages – down from 1.668% in the current year…
07 April 2014
IAG says the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is penalising the company for its Asian expansion strategy…
07 April 2014
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has called for an end to “efficiency dividend” funding cuts and has defended its performance in the insurance sector…
07 April 2014
State insurance taxes should be abolished and excessive regulation wound back, QBE says in a submission to the financial system inquiry…
07 April 2014
The financial system inquiry should examine the regulatory burden on the insurance sector and its impact on affordability and ability to write risk, the Insurance Council of Australia…
07 April 2014
The product disclosure regime has failed to help consumers make better decisions about financial products, according to the National Insurance Brokers Association…
07 April 2014
Lenders’ mortgage insurance could disappear from the marketplace if lenders are not given capital relief, QBE LMI warns…
07 April 2014
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission aims to raise its penalties in line with other regulators, a parliamentary committee has heard…
31 March 2014
A lack of communication between the Federal Government and the insurance industry is raising concerns that Canberra is making decisions without a clear understanding of the sector’s issues…
31 March 2014
Private insurers should play a greater role in workers’ compensation and compulsory third party schemes, Suncorp says in its submission to the financial system inquiry…
31 March 2014
New Zealand’s Commerce Commission has deferred until April 30 its decision on IAG’s proposed takeover of Lumley NZ, following strong opposition…
31 March 2014
The Federal Government has put on hold plans to change part of the Future of Financial Advice legislation…
31 March 2014
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s proposed guide on risk management puts impossible obligations on insurer board members, according to the Insurance Council of Australia…
31 March 2014
The Actuaries Institute has called for an open-data regime allowing increased access to important federal government information…