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Regulatory & Government

Consumer advocates want action on affordability

14 April 2014

Consumer groups have urged the financial system inquiry to investigate insurance affordability and availability for low-income and disadvantaged groups, claiming the industry has made little effort to provide suitable products…

Comparison site no-shows ‘reduce competition’

14 April 2014

Suncorp and IAG’s refusal to allow their products on comparison websites contributes to a lack of transparency, reduced competition and ill-informed consumers, UK-based insurance comparator Compare the Market says…

Government takes over Victorian BWI

14 April 2014

The Victorian Government is to take over builders’ warranty insurance, setting up a fund under a single body to oversee builder registration, disputes and claims…

APRA releases reinsurance documents

14 April 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has released final documents for new reinsurance data collection requirements for general insurers…

WA cuts WorkCover rates

14 April 2014

WA WorkCover rates will fall 6.7% next financial year to an average recommended premium of 1.556% of total wages – down from 1.668% in the current year…

Regulation stifles expansion: IAG

07 April 2014

IAG says the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is penalising the company for its Asian expansion strategy…

APRA seeks end to funding cuts

07 April 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has called for an end to “efficiency dividend” funding cuts and has defended its performance in the insurance sector…

NIBA condemns product disclosure program

07 April 2014

The product disclosure regime has failed to help consumers make better decisions about financial products, according to the National Insurance Brokers Association…

QBE calls for LMI incentive

07 April 2014

Lenders’ mortgage insurance could disappear from the marketplace if lenders are not given capital relief, QBE LMI warns…

Risk management proposal too tough: ICA

31 March 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s proposed guide on risk management puts impossible obligations on insurer board members, according to the Insurance Council of Australia…