Actuary tasked to study North Queensland strata ‘crisis’
03 March 2014
A new Australian Government Actuary study into north Queensland strata insurance will contribute to measures aimed at curbing soaring premiums, according…
03 March 2014
A new Australian Government Actuary study into north Queensland strata insurance will contribute to measures aimed at curbing soaring premiums, according…
03 March 2014
“Blind reliance” on catastrophe models could lead to inadequate reinsurance for natural catastrophes, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Deputy Chairman Ian Laughlin warns…
03 March 2014
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission plans to release a report mid-year on home insurance selling after the NSW bushfires highlighted concerns about consumers…
03 March 2014
The Federal Government’s financial system inquiry should “bite the bullet” and recommend a single regulator for general and health insurance, according to Deloitte Access Economics partner Ian Harper…
03 March 2014
The ACT Government has introduced legislation to set up a no-fault insurance scheme for people who are seriously injured in car accidents in the territory…
03 March 2014
The National Insurance Brokers Association has urged the Government to clarify its position on personal advice in its revision of the Future of Financial Advice legislation…
24 February 2014
Tougher penalties are needed to deter corporate crime, according to Australian Securities and Investments Commission Chairman Greg Medcraft…
24 February 2014
The Financial Ombudsman Service operates a system to log and investigate systemic failures in companies, Chief Ombudsman Shane Tregillis says…
24 February 2014
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has flagged a tougher approach to compliance breaches and warned government support is not guaranteed for insurers that fail…
24 February 2014
The Actuaries Institute has called for more work to prevent disaster losses as part of a holistic risk management program…
24 February 2014
WorkCover SA says new initiatives for returning people to work have driven a 15% reduction in the number of income maintenance claims extending past two weeks…
17 February 2014
The “one-size-fits-all” regulatory approach is inappropriate for brokers and incurs unnecessary costs, the National Insurance Brokers Association will tell the financial services inquiry…
17 February 2014
Federal government investigations into professional indemnity (PI) insurance for financial advisers should consider the industry’s regulatory complexity, Aon Hewitt Wealth Management…
17 February 2014
The forthcoming financial system inquiry will examine competition in the insurance sector and cyber risk…
17 February 2014
Insurers are still failing to give policyholders clear information that enables them to compare base premiums, according to Victoria’s Fire Services Levy Monitor Allan Fels…
17 February 2014
Reforms to SA’s compulsory third party scheme have been vigorously defended by the State Government following criticism from a legal group…
17 February 2014
Treasury predicts the financial services inquiry will cost $3.6 million this financial year, which it is looking to cover in this year’s budget…
10 February 2014
Federal Treasury is investigating whether insurers should establish an aggregator site comparing prices for home and contents cover and strata insurance in north Queensland…
10 February 2014
The Federal Government says it has no plans to review the Financial Ombudsman Service’s activities, contrary to reports…
10 February 2014
Insurers have questioned new board-level risk requirements from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority that involve the use of catastrophe modelling…