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Regulatory & Government

APRA pushes for modelling improvements

03 March 2014

“Blind reliance” on catastrophe models could lead to inadequate reinsurance for natural catastrophes, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Deputy Chairman Ian Laughlin warns…

Expert calls for combined general and health regulation

03 March 2014

The Federal Government’s financial system inquiry should “bite the bullet” and recommend a single regulator for general and health insurance, according to Deloitte Access Economics partner Ian Harper…

RBNZ talks tough as new regime gather pace

24 February 2014

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has flagged a tougher approach to compliance breaches and warned government support is not guaranteed for insurers that fail…

SA workers’ comp scheme cuts claim length

24 February 2014

WorkCover SA says new initiatives for returning people to work have driven a 15% reduction in the number of income maintenance claims extending past two weeks…

PI pricing stuck in ‘regulatory quagmire’

17 February 2014

Federal government investigations into professional indemnity (PI) insurance for financial advisers should consider the industry’s regulatory complexity, Aon Hewitt Wealth Management…

Murray to examine cyber risk

17 February 2014

The forthcoming financial system inquiry will examine competition in the insurance sector and cyber risk…

SA minister defends CTP reform

17 February 2014

Reforms to SA’s compulsory third party scheme have been vigorously defended by the State Government following criticism from a legal group…

Government considers north Queensland aggregator

10 February 2014

Federal Treasury is investigating whether insurers should establish an aggregator site comparing prices for home and contents cover and strata insurance in north Queensland…

Insurers raise concerns on APRA risk rules

10 February 2014

Insurers have questioned new board-level risk requirements from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority that involve the use of catastrophe modelling…