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Regulatory & Government

Regulator relents on financial condition reports

02 June 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority will allow insurers to lodge financial condition reports up to four months after balance dates, instead of the three-month deadline it imposed from April 1…

Private market ‘cannot cover all terror risks’

26 May 2014

The threat of terrorism remains and the private reinsurance market does not have the capacity to cover all commercial property, according to the Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation’s…

APRA reviews insurance in ADIs

26 May 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is examining how general and life insurance companies fit into authorised deposit-taking institutions…

ACC signals levy cuts

26 May 2014

New Zealanders have been told to expect cuts in levies for the Accident Compensation Corporation no-fault injury scheme…

SA flags WorkCover reforms

26 May 2014

South Australia’s workers’ compensation rules may change in July next year as the State Government presses ahead with plans for a major overhaul of the system, employers…

Equality review waves away insurance issues

26 May 2014

The private insurance market has largely escaped scrutiny under the Australian Law Reform Commission’s review of equality, capacity and disability in Commonwealth laws…

Terrorism markets recovering: Willis Re

19 May 2014

Sufficient capacity exists in private terrorism markets to allow for a withdrawal from the Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation, according to Willis Re…

NZ brokers win fire services levy legal case

19 May 2014

New Zealand’s Court of Appeal has rejected an attempt by the country’s Fire Service Commission to change the way the fire service levy is applied to commercial premiums…

Christchurch rebuild bill rising

19 May 2014

The rebuilding of earthquake-stricken Christchurch is expected to cost the New Zealand Government $NZ15.4 billion ($14.24 billion) – 3% more than earlier forecast…

ICA calls on NSW to revisit levy reform

12 May 2014

NSW should follow Victoria’s example and press ahead with emergency services levy reforms, according to the Insurance Council of Australia…