WA insurance taxes to defy sluggish economy
12 May 2014
The WA Government expects revenue from insurance taxes to rise in coming years, despite slower economic growth…
12 May 2014
The WA Government expects revenue from insurance taxes to rise in coming years, despite slower economic growth…
12 May 2014
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has written to insurers to provide a definition of the word “ensure”…
12 May 2014
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has called on intermediaries and their clients to complete its second small business survey…
05 May 2014
Allianz has backed the creation of a natural disaster reinsurance pool, to tackle the affordability crisis facing homeowners vulnerable to extreme weather…
05 May 2014
Commonwealth insurance bodies would be abolished, Comcare’s underwriting outsourced and doctors would lose medical indemnity premium subsidies under proposals by the Audit Commission…
05 May 2014
State and territory government requirements to approve lawyers’ professional indemnity insurance should be removed, according to the Productivity Commission…
05 May 2014
The NSW Government may make further premium rate cuts to the state’s workers’ compensation scheme, following reductions last year…
05 May 2014
The Productivity Commission wants to know if insurers are prepared to write legal expenses insurance…
05 May 2014
The Insurance Council of Australia says proposed amendments to the Future of Financial Advice legislation lack clarity on the scope of advice…
05 May 2014
The general insurance carve-out in the Future of Financial Advice legislation needs greater clarity, the National Insurance Brokers Association says…
05 May 2014
Regulation and technology are among the key issues raised in submissions to the financial system inquiry, Chairman David Murray told a recent business lunch…
05 May 2014
Banned financial services adviser Barry David Hassell appeared in court in Adelaide last Friday to face more than 70 counts of dishonest conduct and dozens of other charges…
28 April 2014
Treasury’s response to the review of the financial institutions supervisory levy has disregarded a key point raised by the Insurance Council of Australia…
28 April 2014
The NSW Motor Accidents Authority will launch new claims assessment guidelines for compulsory third party insurers on Thursday…
28 April 2014
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has cancelled the financial services licence of Parramatta-based WD Gelle Insurance & Finance Brokers…
28 April 2014
Introducing the no-fault National Injury Insurance Scheme across state boundaries would result in significant costs for Queensland and WA, according to a new report…
28 April 2014
The Victorian WorkCover Authority says the state’s injury rate fell to a record low in the six months to the end of last year, while the body’s profit grew on investment returns…
28 April 2014
WorkCover SA will hold its average premium rate at 2.75% of wages for the coming year…
14 April 2014
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission admits it has been remiss in its monitoring of independent experts tasked with examining regulation breaches…
14 April 2014
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission wants to reduce disclosure requirements it claims do not benefit consumers and are costly for industries…