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Regulatory & Government

NZ regulatory burden satisfies FMA

23 June 2014

New Zealand’s financial services regulatory burden is “perfectly manageable” and arrangements are clearer and less fragmented than in the past, Financial Markets Authority CEO Rob Everett says…

APRA reviews reporting

16 June 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is reviewing how often it publishes reports…

Stakeholders await Murray’s interim report

16 June 2014

The direction of the financial system inquiry will become clearer on July 15, with the release of its interim report and an address by chairman David Murray to the National Press Club…

VMIA recruits O’Connor as CEO

16 June 2014

The Victorian Managed Insurance Authority has appointed Paul O’Connor as CEO, replacing Warren Hutcheon…

ICT ‘keeps NZ insurance productive’

16 June 2014

New Zealand’s finance and insurance sector is a “top productivity performer” and highly innovative, according to a report by the country’s Productivity Commission…

Disclosure can’t cure all ills: ASIC

10 June 2014

The assumption that disclosure always fixes market failures is not “borne out in practice”, according to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…

No change for WorkCover NSW rates

10 June 2014

WorkCover NSW’s premium rate will remain at 1.47% of wages in the year from June 30, after dropping from 1.55% last December…

ASIC forced to cut surveillance

10 June 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is to scale back surveillance activities in some areas, including insurance, due to budget cuts…

Treasury reviews capital loss rules

10 June 2014

Treasury is considering removing prudential limitations on the way general insurers deal with loss absorption of regulatory capital…

Time running out for NZ building upgrade decision

10 June 2014

Insurers fear a decision on a crucial amendment to the Building Act may not arrive before New Zealand’s Parliament rises on July 31, ahead of the country’s September 20 election…

APRA to face increased government oversight

02 June 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority will face closer scrutiny from the Federal Parliament, with the House of Representatives’ Economics Committee establishing…

APRA levy on GI industry holds steady

02 June 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority aims to generate $21 million in levies from the general insurance industry in 2014/15, with the sum unchanged from…