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Regulatory & Government

Suncorp completes compliance revamp

03 November 2014

Suncorp has upgraded its general insurance compliance system as part of a wider independent review and remediation process ordered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…

Terrorism pool posts premium revenue increase

03 November 2014

The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation received premium revenue of $129.7 million in the year to June 30, up 1.9% on the previous year and 2.9% better than expected…

Commission aims to right Wrongs Act

03 November 2014

The Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission recommends reforming the Wrongs Act to improve compensation for claimants…

ICA makes case for national hazard data

27 October 2014

Insurers and research groups have rejected the Productivity Commission’s claim that the country does not need a national platform to collect natural hazard data…

ACC’s profit falls as claims grow

27 October 2014

New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation has reported a drop in profits after claims increased and investment income fell…

IAIS completes global capital standard

27 October 2014

The International Association of Insurance Supervisors has finished drawing up requirements for the first global insurance capital standard…

ICA flags contradictions in APRA risk management

20 October 2014

There are “inconsistencies” in the way the industry is required to manage risk, the Insurance Council of Australia says in response to proposed changes to prudential standards…

ASIC targets insurance add-ons

20 October 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is to focus its surveillance efforts on “add-on insurance” that is marketed inappropriately to consumers…

Bushfire CRC marks disaster awareness day

20 October 2014

The International Day for Disaster Reduction last Monday was the focus for a forum by the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Co-operative Research Centre in Canberra…