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Regulatory & Government

FOFA’s commissions ban avoids brokers

23 June 2014

Commissions on financial products sold following general advice will be banned under forthcoming changes to the Future of Financial Advice legislation…

NSW insurance tax totals to keep rising

23 June 2014

Insurance stamp duty revenues in NSW are expected to grow at an average rate of 5.7% to $945 million in the next financial year, according to budget papers…

NSW WorkCover cuts 5% from premiums

23 June 2014

WorkCover premiums in NSW are to fall by an average of 5% for 200,000 employers, saving them more than $113 million a year, according to State Treasurer Andrew Constance…

NZ regulatory burden satisfies FMA

23 June 2014

New Zealand’s financial services regulatory burden is “perfectly manageable” and arrangements are clearer and less fragmented than in the past, Financial Markets Authority CEO Rob Everett says…

APRA reviews reporting

16 June 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is reviewing how often it publishes reports…

Stakeholders await Murray’s interim report

16 June 2014

The direction of the financial system inquiry will become clearer on July 15, with the release of its interim report and an address by chairman David Murray to the National Press Club…

VMIA recruits O’Connor as CEO

16 June 2014

The Victorian Managed Insurance Authority has appointed Paul O’Connor as CEO, replacing Warren Hutcheon…

ICT ‘keeps NZ insurance productive’

16 June 2014

New Zealand’s finance and insurance sector is a “top productivity performer” and highly innovative, according to a report by the country’s Productivity Commission…