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Regulatory & Government

WA injury insurer praises claims automation

19 June 2017

The Insurance Commission of WA says it has become more efficient since automating its claims process using optical character recognition technology two years ago…

State insurance commission collars fraudster

19 June 2017

A motorist caught submitting false information in his claims form to the Insurance Commission of WA has been fined $1500 and ordered to pay $742 in legal costs…

ASIC’s Hong Kong deal opens door for fintechs

19 June 2017

Fintechs will find it easier to access Hong Kong’s lucrative financial services market thanks to an Australian Securities and Investments Commission deal with the Chinese territory’s Securities and Futures Commission…

ARPC names new chairman

19 June 2017

The Federal Government has appointed Ian Carson as part-time Chairman of the Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation, and Karen Payne as part-time board member…

ASIC revokes Sydney intermediary’s licence

13 June 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has cancelled Group Underwriters and Managers’ financial services licence, which was suspended last November…

Lawmakers seek feedback on automated vehicles

13 June 2017

The National Transport Commission wants feedback on four regulatory options for the safety assurance of automated vehicles, which are expected to be on Australian roads in about three years…

Former IAG exec joins ACC board

13 June 2017

New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation has appointed former IAG executive Leona Murphy to its board…

Insurers face pricing scrutiny as NSW delays ESL axe

05 June 2017

Insurers have been told they are under close scrutiny from the NSW Emergency Services Levy Insurance Monitor as the industry grapples with the State Government’s backflip on next month switching to a property-based levy to fund emergency services…

Get flood maps in order, Tasmania told

05 June 2017

Tasmania should consider improved flood mapping to help prevent future catastrophes, according to an independent review held after storms devastated parts of the state last winter…

Queensland supports spinal injury research

05 June 2017

Queensland’s Motor Accident Insurance Commission has pledged $5 million over the next three years for research into a new treatment for spinal cord injuries…

Plant takes on expanded icare role

29 May 2017

Former QBE executive Tim Plant will take on an expanded role at Insurance & Care NSW following Steve Hunt’s decision to retire after 12 years leading the self-insurance business…

Insurance guidelines set for automated vehicle trials

29 May 2017

Holding appropriate insurance is among the prerequisites for securing permits or exemptions to conduct automated vehicle trials, according to guidelines introduced by the National Transport Commission and Austroads…