ICA defends industry ownership of code
31 July 2017
The Insurance Council of Australia has cautioned against regulatory changes that may weaken the industry’s ownership of the General Insurance Code of Practice…
31 July 2017
The Insurance Council of Australia has cautioned against regulatory changes that may weaken the industry’s ownership of the General Insurance Code of Practice…
31 July 2017
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has signed a co-operation agreement with its Abu Dhabi counterpart, to help Australian fintech companies penetrate the lucrative Middle Eastern market…
24 July 2017
Tests have proved that cladding on the facade of Brisbane’s Princess Alexandra Hospital is combustible…
24 July 2017
The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal says any subsidy to encourage take-up of crop insurance should be temporary…
24 July 2017
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has decided against strict cyber-risk rules for financial businesses, opting for a flexible approach…
24 July 2017
The Financial Stability Board has welcomed publication of a new accounting standard for insurance contracts, and says insurers should begin implementation as soon as possible…
24 July 2017
The Insurance & Care NSW Foundation has partnered with Spinal Cord Injury Australia to fund a fitness service for spinal injury victims in rural NSW…
17 July 2017
NSW Emergency Services Levy Insurance Monitor Allan Fels has sought a fresh pledge from CEOs to “do the right thing” following the Government’s backflip on removing the charge from property policies…
17 July 2017
The presence of flammable building cladding could result in large premium increases, or even a refusal to offer cover, the Insurance Council of Australia has warned…
17 July 2017
Australian Securities and Investments Commission cost-recovery plans continue to cause uncertainty for insurance intermediaries, which fear paying excessive amounts due to definition problems…
17 July 2017
The Commonwealth will give NSW more than $638,000 to fund bushfire mitigation projects…
17 July 2017
The Productivity Commission has opened its inquiry into competition in the financial system, calling for submissions by September 15…
10 July 2017
Jeff Bailey, the MD of failed Perth authorised representative company Winley Financial Services, has been permanently banned from the financial services industry…
10 July 2017
A compensation scheme of last resort for aggrieved consumers is not the answer to improving the financial services sector, according to the Insurance Council of Australia…
10 July 2017
The WA Building Commission will audit all “high-risk, high-rise” buildings with cladding following the Grenfell Tower fire, expanding an initial probe that focused only on aluminium composite panels…
10 July 2017
The Federal Government’s workers’ compensation scheme Comcare is fully funded for the first time since 2010, three years ahead of schedule…
10 July 2017
The Insurance Council of Australia has again called for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to support legislative changes to align insurers with other financial services providers on electronic disclosure…
10 July 2017
Insurance & Care NSW says a medical support panel pilot project has cut treatment approval times for injured workers to an average of four days from 30 previously, based on interim results…
03 July 2017
Victoria has set up a taskforce to investigate the extent of non-compliant cladding on buildings following the Lacrosse block fire in Docklands and the Grenfell Tower disaster in London…
03 July 2017
The WA Building Commission has announced increased builders’ warranty premiums for large builders…