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Regulatory & Government

Insurers sign ESL removal pledge

01 May 2017

Insurance company CEOs have signed a declaration vowing they will not apply the emergency services levy on NSW policies after its required removal in July…

ARPC hosts terror risk seminar

01 May 2017

Security experts will discuss current and emerging threats at the Terrorism Risk Insurance Seminar on October 5…

Queensland CTP ‘in good health’

01 May 2017

An independent review has concluded Queensland’s compulsory third party insurance scheme is strong and does not require major reform…

ESL monitor to hold emergency levy removal inquiry

24 April 2017

NSW Emergency Services Levy Insurance Monitor Allan Fels has called a public inquiry requiring companies to explain how they calculate property premiums and outline their plans for removing the levy…

Industry attacked at Senate hearings

24 April 2017

General insurance was described as “a stitch-up” during two days of public hearings in the ongoing Senate inquiry into the industry…

ASIC seeks feedback on peer disciplinary panel

24 April 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is seeking feedback on a proposed financial services panel responsible for determining if errant individuals should be banned from the industry…

ASIC co-operates on fintech with Indonesian regulator

24 April 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has signed a co-operation deal with Indonesian financial services regulator Otoritas Jasa Keuangan to promote financial services innovation…

ASIC urges reform on previous premium display

10 April 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission says clearly displaying the previous year’s premium on renewal notices would increase competition and comparability for home and car policies…

NSW gears up for no-fault CTP

10 April 2017

NSW will introduce a hybrid no-fault compulsory third party scheme in December after Parliament last week approved replacing the current at-fault system…

Insurers push for access to driving records

10 April 2017

Drivers with demerit points for speeding and other traffic offences could pay more for insurance, as compulsory third party insurers in NSW push for access to policyholders’ records…

ASIC revokes Pratten brokerage’s licence

10 April 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has cancelled Rural & General Insurance Broking’s financial services licence, which was suspended last October…

icare rolls out direct service

10 April 2017

NSW employers can obtain quotes and renew workers’ compensation policies direct with Insurance & Care NSW from April 30…

WA to lift workers’ comp premium rate

10 April 2017

WorkCover WA has announced a 3.2% rise in recommended premium rates for compulsory workers’ compensation insurance next financial year…