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Regulatory & Government

ASIC outlines plans to improve data use

25 September 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has forecast “significant change” to the ways it handles data when pursuing regulatory activities…

APRA seeks accounting change feedback

25 September 2017

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has written to insurers to assess how they will be affected by new accounting rules making it easier for investors to compare performance across international markets…

NZ regulator cracks down on register rogues

25 September 2017

New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority says it will act against rogue directors in a crackdown on misuse of the Financial Service Providers Register…

ICA rejects APRA crisis control proposal

18 September 2017

The Insurance Council of Australia wants general insurance treated differently to the banking sector in proposed laws increasing financial crisis management regulatory powers…

ICA at halfway mark on disclosure reform

18 September 2017

The Insurance Council of Australia is midway through a two-year program to improve consumer understanding of products, according to a submission to the Productivity Commission…

ASIC focuses on cyber resilience

18 September 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has published its market integrity report for the six months to June 30, highlighting a focus on cyber resilience, sell-side research and listing standards…

WA road injury scheme costs exceed forecast

18 September 2017

WA’s Catastrophic Injuries Support scheme has assessed 28 people as eligible for treatment and care in its first year, and their young ages compared with forecasts has led to an increase in expected average costs…

ARPC supports ‘crowded places’ anti-terror plan

18 September 2017

The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation backs the recently unveiled national security plan to protect crowded places from terror attacks similar to the Manchester Arena bombing in May…

icare hands out TMF awards

18 September 2017

NSW Department of Education, in partnership with Allianz, won the “people’s choice” award for the SeekSMART vocational counselling program in Insurance and Care NSW’s TMF Awards for Excellence…

Flammable cladding ban ‘not the answer’

11 September 2017

The Senate inquiry into non-compliant building products has proposed a “total ban” on flammable cladding, but insurers and experts fear deeper problems may be overlooked…

NZ insurers attack deal for uninsured quake victims

11 September 2017

A government settlement with a group of uninsured Christchurch property owners known as the Quake Outcasts may provide an incentive to shun cover, the Insurance Council of New Zealand warns…

ICA seeks help on NSW duty removal deadline

11 September 2017

Insurers have called for help from the NSW Government as they struggle to meet a January start date for removing stamp duty from crop and livestock policies and various small business covers…

Taskforce seeks feedback on ASIC banning power reform

11 September 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission would have powers to ban a person from being a senior manager in a financial services business under proposals put forward for comment by a taskforce…

Most small licensees’ PI covers up to scratch: ASIC

04 September 2017

A targeted review of professional indemnity insurance held by 56 financial services licensees shows only three did not comply with defence cost regulatory requirements, according to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…