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icare backs support scheme for injured workers

Craig’s Table, a social enterprise to help injured workers return to employment, will open in western Sydney this month after the icare Foundation provided seed funding of $500,000.

“We are investing in Craig’s Table in western Sydney because its philosophy of training through peer-to-peer sharing and mentoring is an innovative way to support injured workers to returning to work and life,” GM Amanda Keogh said.

“If it works well it will be scaled up to other areas in NSW to support the ongoing transformation of the workers’ compensation system.”

Craig’s Table will hold an information evening at Girraween on Thursday evening for injured workers, scheme agents, rehabilitation providers and others interested in finding out more.

Founder Rosemary McKenzie-Ferguson, who established the program in Adelaide, is looking for 50-60 injured workers to join the project. The first part of the training includes rebuilding confidence and capability, with teaching in areas such as emotional intelligence, mental health, financial literacy, information technology and manual handling.

The second stage involves reintroducing participants to the community and the workforce through its social enterprises.

“The icare Foundation funding has gone towards setting up the engagement and rehabilitation functions, which include an op shop, a community garden and a cafe,” Ms McKenzie-Ferguson said.

“After two years we anticipate being self-sustaining.”

The icare Foundation was set up in 2016 to complement the role of state workers’ compensation scheme Insurance & Care NSW.