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Regulatory & Government

ASIC names 18 for misconduct panel

13 November 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has appointed 18 members to a new Financial Services and Credit Panel that will be make misconduct decisions…

Advice group NSG fined $1 million

06 November 2017

The Federal Court has imposed a $1 million civil penalty on NSG Services for breaching the best-interests duty under the Future of Financial Advice reforms…

Industry urges NZ fire levy rethink

06 November 2017

The New Zealand insurance industry is lobbying the country’s new Labour Party-led government over controversial plans to change the way the fire service levy is calculated…

ASIC outlines plan for industry supervision

06 November 2017

Insurers’ surveillance and investigation practices will face scrutiny under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s business plan for this financial year…

EQC premium increase kicks in

06 November 2017

Premiums charged by New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission have risen by one-third, in line with an increase announced in this year’s budget to help rebuild funds depleted by the Canterbury and Kaikoura catastrophes…

Enforcers seek tougher penalties for insurers

30 October 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission Enforcement Review Taskforce has proposed civil penalties be imposed on insurers in breach of certain obligations under the Insurance Contracts Act…

Behaviour is key for regulators, Suncorp says

30 October 2017

Financial services businesses need to be proactive in meeting community expectations as regulators sharpen their focus on culture and behaviour, Suncorp executives have told brokers and planners at a summit for intermediaries…

APRA raises expectations on cyber security

30 October 2017

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is stepping up its scrutiny of cyber-attack prevention and incident response plans, as the potential threat to areas it oversees increases…

Industry funding to lift regulatory results: ASIC

30 October 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission says the shift to industry funding this year will help improve its performance and encourage accountability in the financial services sector…

ASIC adds Switzerland to fintech family

30 October 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission and Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority have signed a fintech agreement to help innovators operate seamlessly in each country…

New ASIC chief flags focus on culture, trust

23 October 2017

Incoming Australian Securities and Investments Commission Chairman James Shipton intends to work on industry culture and trust when he starts his five-year tenure on February 1…

State eases path to stamp duty exemption

23 October 2017

NSW will remove a requirement for small businesses to provide a written declaration to be eligible for new exemptions from insurance stamp duties…